Pirate’s Key, parts 1  and 2


Directed by  Corey Allen

Written by Philip DeGuere

Synopsis:One case leads to another set of trouble when a car  the Simons commandeer is owned by a senator from Florida they’ve run into before.  The senator takes the opportunity for revenge on the brothers and calls for their P.I. license to be revoked and possible criminal charges.

The Simons are brought before a judge in a closed  hearing.  Through flashbacks, the Simons tell the story of what  really happened a few years before (clips taken from pilot movie, Pirate’s Key). 

A few years ago, they had been in Florida, where A.J. worked for Myron at Peerless Detectives and been engaged to Janet. While A.J. was on a case, they had discovered a poker game and a case of insurance fraud that included the most powerful folks in town. 

Between their story and Janet’s supporting testimony, the  Simons are cleared of all wrongdoing.


This was great,  if for no other reason, than because it gave us a chance to see scenes  from the original made-for-tv movie.  It was startling for me to see  A.J. and Janet actually together, but they made a great couple.  As  anyone who’s seen American Justice knows, Jameson Parker and Jeannie Wilson have a wonderful on-screen chemistry.

It cracked me  up when Janet, not quite coming up to his shoulder, told Rick he’d better keep A.J. safe and that he wasn’t going to steal his brother from her.    Rick is offended by the idea, but that seems to be exactly  what ended up happening.  Personally, I really like Janet, but I  think she’s a  little too picky.  Rick may drag A.J. into a  twelve-year-old mindset, probably almost gotten them both killed several times, and most likely brings out A.J.’s non-sensitive side most of the time, but…okay, maybe she had a point.  Would’ve been worth it,  though.

The shots from Pirate’s Key show how quickly J.P. and Mac had their chemistry  down.  I have no trouble seeing these two as brothers from the very beginning.  That is just as cool as can be.

I’d say these  episodes are a definite must-see!  If for nothing else, then just to  see flashbacks to how it all began.

Pictorial for part one: pages 1, 2, 3, 4

Thumbnail  version

4 out of 5 Camaros



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